Grotto - Contact Us

Secluded but close to every attraction

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Enjoy the Ozarks

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An idyllic location in the heart of the Ozarks - steps away from the lake or the mountains.

St. Louis : 3-4h

Bentonville: 2h

Springfield: 1h

If you are the roadtrip type of person, you will surely love arriving to our boutique resort by car. An efficient and beautiful road connects Springfield with Branson. Good roads connect Branson to the rest of the southern Missouri.

Branson Airport (BKG) - 30m away

Springfield Airport (SFG) - 1hr away

Bentonville Airport (XNA) - 1hr 57min away

The nearest airport to Grotto is Branson (BKG). Branson's local Uber/Lyft services this route regularly.

from Indian Point

from Coney Island

from Kimberling City

There are some ferries and private boats that operate that might allow you to arrive to the Grotto by boat. Although this is not the fastest route and there are not many options it depends on your place of departure,

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